391 Selezione 1
You've been waiting for it, and finally here it is! A natural compendium to the '391' series, with a strong selection straight to vinyl. Spittle CD series '391' is filling a void screaming out for revenge. We're not actually talking about hard to find material, but properly unreleased songs and compositions locked for several decades in some virtual memory lane. A proper distillate from the ongoing series, which showed the hidden roots of the Italian new-wave (with all the possible links to art-rock, goth, post-punk and industrial). Creativity has never been lacking and sometimes complete with a burst of originality, what lacked was a good promotion and a more accessible way to the underground market. Now you have it. Enjoy! SIDE 1: 1. The Gam Ones - Take Me Soon (1984) 2. VCO - Radiomad (1981) 3. Next - Living In Tobruk (1984) 4. Reverie - The Only Tam-Tam In Town (1986) 5. Shaming Borsalino - Dea No (1986) SIDE 2: 1. Xif - Your Game (1989) 2. Centro Uh! - Japanese Match (Extract) (1981) 3. Catene Della Cresima - Zilpha Marsch (1987) 4. Celery Price - Tra Il Mare E La Notte (1988)