V3CTORS are a diamond in the rough and our local commitment to this 2012. Born from the cleavage of another local band (NoDefine), the new project, with only 6 months of life, becomes one of the most interesting proposals we have heard recently in the underground metal scene national and European level. Defining V3CTORS, lets say they are moving into what has been called 'Djent' which is just a lot of groove metal, with touches of hardcore and in the case of V3CTORS, playing with aggressive vocals and melodic at the same time. Their compositions are complex issues but resolved in short, as short as 5 minutes, with choruses and ultimately devastating great songs. They debut with a first 5 track EP, which has been featured among the 10 best works from 2011 gotdjent. com from over 800 bands: "What stands out Immediately During The listening of This debut EP by Spain-based Vectors are the vocals performed by Javier Perez, Which successfully dynamism and freshness Bringing Achieve to the compositions, switching from naturally harsh and growled vocals to melodic and passionate singing, the Latter of which is more accentuated THROUGHOUT the chorus sections of the four tracks. Instrumentally, the band did a great job, Creating an overall soundscape revolving around deep tonal grooves and atmospheric progressive rhythms alternating with passages. Think about it as a mix Between the groove and atmosphere of Textures, Combined With The warm and angry voice of vocalist Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam. With the Addition of great production and mixing values, these guys are an interesting band to watch for in the near future." - Breakdown. Tracklist: 1. The Seed 2. Dead End 3. Contradiction 4. When the Bullets Whisper 5. Black Rhino.