Steel Mammoth
Shadow Diamond
Steel Mammoth flew through a cosmic synthesizer wormhole on their last LP 'Electronic Dreams.' The disputable heavy rock kings of NWOFHM (New Wave Of Finnish Heavy Metal) transformed into the disputable synth pop kings of SWOFHM (Synth Wave Of Finnish Heavy Metal) and rebooted their ongoing nuclear mythology shadow warrior saga in an all new electronic robot music realm of the ever expanding Steel Mammoth Multiverse. The 2024 LP 'Shadow Diamond' continues the nuclear shadow warrior journey deeper into the digital dance music black hole event horizon. Progressive warp movements take place on a fresh electronic super charged timeline. Thee mind boggleth! Brain bending sharp digital production magic. Funky smooth synth mayhem. Heavenly melodies and catchy staccato basslines. Space age in-and-out-of-autotune vocal harmonics and snazzy speech synthesis. Codex barbarianus and theoretical demonology. All too perfect for the loud neon dancefloor battlefield and intimate headphone-zone philosophical contemplation. QUITE SIMPLY THE GREATEST MUSIC EVER MADE BY HUMANS AND/OR COMPUTERS. Limited to 300 copies.