Mylla came into fruitation at the now legendary illicit club/speakesy BZ in a Stockholm cellar. Mylla is the ultimate psychedelic party-band for the loosely knitted family of musicians centered around the Subliminal Sounds label (like Dungen, The Works, Life on Earth! and St. Mikael and many other Swedish psychsters). Were happy to finally be releasing their debut album "Vanya". The album was recorded in a limestone cottage at a secluded island far out in the Baltic Sea known by sailors for centuries as the "White Hawaii". The island Faro has been closed for all foreigners up until a few years as it contains several top secret army bases. The music is steeped in the Swedish 70s "Progg" tradition. Like Dungen the band sings in Swedish but unlike Dungen the Mylla experience might only be for the natives, but at least its no longer forbidden for anyone to try it out. Gustav Ejstes from Dungen turns up as a guest with his fiddle too.