Gathering Of The Legendary Elephant Monsters
'Gathering Of The Legendary Elephant Monsters' is the natural evolution of G.O.L.E.M.'s musical vision: to modernize the tradition of a glorious past and create an imaginative sound, rich in references yet unique and unmistakable in its authorial traits. The album is based on tons of old organs, synthesizers, and electric pianos, melded into a boiling cauldron of tube amplifiers, aged woods from Ludwig and Rickenbacker, and dusty electric contraptions dreamt up by engineers on acid. Splitting their time between stage and studio, the group has spent the last two years refining their sound, shaping new ideas with the skill and awareness that only experience can bring. A long collective effort, where each member contributed fundamentally to the creative process, resulted in more complex and intricate tracks that both confirm and surpass the group's characteristic sound, elevating it to a higher level. The richness of the writing, the sophistication of the arrangements, the originality of the sound experiments, the technical prowess of the individuals, and the depth and musicality of the lyrics are the elements that stand out when listening to the six tracks on 'Gathering Of The Legendary Elephant Monsters.'